Thursday, May 14, 2009

You tube & using Online Video In Your Marketing - Part 1

By using Video on your sites you can Increase your traffic by 20 % they are cheap and easy to make with a ROI of 150%. Use them to increase Brand awareness.. more great tips from "Social Traffic" ..and that"s just the beginning...

read more | digg story

Friday, March 20, 2009

How One Small Class Saves Earth In A Big Way!

Great to see centers like this taking such an active part in teaching kids to recycle .. fantastic !

Should We Create a Federal Reserve for Energy?

John Hofmeister argues that Congress is too slow to make real energy reform happen and offers a unique plan for reaching short, medium and long-term goals for this nation's energy supply.

read more | digg story

Mr. W

What a great interpretation of our changing attitudes towards a windy day.. enjoy !1

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Earth Day Birthday – Promoted by the Social Traffic Inc

Earth Day Birthday - Promoted by 'Social Traffic'

As Earth Day gets closer people all around the world are connecting
and discussing what they are going to do , how they will celebrate the
day and the earth we live on .. be it in the back yard with friends or
getting some mates together and attending one of the many events
planned and being planned around the globe. Promoters are busy
printing posters and sending out fliers. They are promoting their
websites to try and get them found, selling their tickets through
local record shops or ticketing agencies, all cutting into their bottom
line but where they really need to focus is on the people who are
looking for somewhere to go ...who want to find an event in their
People are so busy at work, on their computers, that by the time
they drive home the bill posters are just a blur. They get home
and while dinner is in the oven, they catch up with a few friends
and relatives around the world on Facebook, Twitter, or Google
friend connect, to see whats goin on.
Wouldn't it be great if there was one place you could go to on the
web that all your friends could connect with that had all the
events in your area and from around the world streaming in
so you could seamlessly tell everyone you know and they could
tell you. It gave you maps, let you see who else was going, you
could even chat about ideas for the day, send them invites, and
share your photos after and during the event..... Oh stop are getting carried away now Peter...
and you could upload videos of past events ...and....
and......maybe there is ?

or contact me to with your event !

Peter Holmes .....pfh.edbd

So " What on Earth " are you doing on Earth Day 2009 ?